Thursday, February 25, 2010

4th Blog

Warning : If you insist of reading this whole essay dont regret cos I know u will get bored soon . This is a random speech nothing special at all . Please leave : ) god bless 

4th Blog - The Empty Basket . Back to blogging again seriously I need a place to '' spit '' . I find that whenever mood swing strikes me , I will lose the ability to think properly , it slow down my brain function & prevent me from learning well . I hate to be distracted . . . . Due to some personal reasons I'm feeling kinda fuck up now .

My reason for owning a blog = Write whatever u want & screw whoever u wish . I'm not a nasty girl but if you screw me up I shall screw u too , haha sound pretty childish laugh out loud . Anyway these days I'm not in a very good condition always moody & lack of sleep , my skin is now dry & rough : ( no longer supple nor hydrated . Never know lacking of sleep can cause such a great damage to my skin . Ugly . I regret . My effort is now wasted , my skin = real bad condition . I think I'm seeing a face doctor soon . F M L

Again and again I failed to lose weight , angry = eat = fat = ugly my pathetic cycle : ( whenever I'm moody I like to eat & simply hates to move . FTW . I wanna lose weight , my target = 10 kg now . I wanna reach 49 kg . Take just now as an example , I finish a 6 piece nugget follow by a mac spicy meal . Scary right if I continue eating in a rate like this no only I will continue to gain weight , my face will become bigger . The picture below will most likely becomes the future me . 

Or this one below : 

Who wants this to happen to themselves : ( after looking at this 2 pic above my motivation and determination to lose weight is somehow back . No longer gonna defeat by mood swing . Are they suffering from mood swing too ?

I don't know why the more I think for others the more they wants to take advantage of me . No one seem to care abt me , my feeling , my mood , they just aim for what they want . FUCK IT , from now onwards I shall do the same thing too . Disappointment again . FUCK YOU . I KNOW U WAN IT . SHALL FUCK YOU WITH A PIG PENIS THEN . I know I'm surrounded by some hypocrites : ( and yet I dont have the courage to confront them , I face difficulties when comes to self express .

Sigh , I just realize that I spend too much on reading materials , the best example =  magazines many time I only manage to complete a few pages & usually the magazine will  either end up inside my drawers or bitten by dogs . Intend to sell my old magazine and some of the manga soon , they are in real good condition , so I was thinking instead of keeping them for myself why don't I sell them . Happy go lucky . hehe 

Am super addicted to K & J pop now , my new idols = Big Bang x 2NE1. Hotness x 100 % I'm so crazy over them : ) 



I like top the most , he so handsome . . . . is like something in me have changes . My views and all : X

I'm going to read a book soon , actually in a few minutes time : )  

I have loads to write but it seem like no matter how long I write nothing gonna change haha , unnecessary and useless , shall stop typing now . Let it be .

1 comment:

  1. Do you want to reach 49 kg?? How old are u? I´m 13 and my weight is over 50 kg and I´m very thin! Btw great blog <3
