Thursday, February 25, 2010

Craps . . . .

Welcome to my blog , I'm the host for today , in fact everyday . Well my purpose to create this blog is because I wan motivation to lose weight . I'm not ugly nor beautiful I guess I'm just average , though deep inside me I dont like to be average. For people who's like me please remember there's no ugly woman but lazy woman . Have u ever wonder why the world is so fucking unfair , the ugly ones is always being left out . . . . especially girls , it seem like unattractive girls will tend to receive more hurtful remarks compare to unattractive boys , dont u find it unfair ? 

The worse part is ugly man dont realize that they are actually ugly & many still have the cheek to joke on  other flaws , isn't that pathetic ?  why dont u look at yourself before commenting on others ? Seriously I feel like punching them on nose , but can I * Unless there's no police on earth * 

Take these pictures below as examples : 

Which girl above do u find more attractive ? Kinda Obvious right ? Please dont be a hypocrite , you didnt say it out because u don't wanna hurt the person feeling * which is good u at least u know everyone deserve equally right  * They are both doing a peace sign , which one do u find it pleasant to look at ? Can you see what I'm trying to express ? Gonna emphasize this : I'm not trying to criticize anyone . Whenever people see a pretty girl doing a peace sign , the first reaction would be : Oh how cute ^^ however when a ugly girl does it the remarks given will be : Yucks act cute  

I ask u , if Cinderella wasn't pretty but ugly do u think the prince will invite her for dance , hell no . She would most probably be left out & never would she get a chance to marry the handsome and rich prince who later turn her into a queen.  Even Disney cartoon tells stories of reality * indirectly * Well , kid are far too innocent to understand . 

Do u think the prince would kiss snow white if she have rotten teeth x butter face , maybe yes , cos it about a human life .

Unfair right ? Even though we say being ugly is not a crime but seriously who the fuck will give u the kind of respect u deserve once they see u are ugly ? * provided u are rich then things may be different * This world is too realistic . Did I said something wrong ? Maybe I'm the unlucky one who gets to see all these pathetic situation that either happens on others or me myself .

I remember during my primary school days there was one time when I goes really obsesses with my hair I like to touch my hair & fix my hair in class . Guess what , my action piss off a girl sitting behind me and this is what she said to me : Hey you think u are very pretty is it , stop touching  your hair , for what you wanna touch you hair ? u are ugly . * speechless me * Get it ? 

I'm not a shallow person who only focus on looks , what I'm trying  to say is , if you think u are ugly , if you think u are fat , if you think u dont look good enough . Don't let all those hurtful remarks defeat u , start working out . Don't be lazy , if you wanna be pretty you have to put in effort search for beauty tips , exercise , eat healthy & read more to increase ur knowledge : ) dont be a bimbo ! Some guys are out to cheat so beware . I'm working hard on it , nothing great comes easily . Hopefully we can work hard together ^^

My Top 15 Rules 

1. Stay away from sweet food especially your favourite junk food

2. Spend 0 cents on food, home cook will do

3. Create 5 new recipes for your diet plan. During your weight lose period be a vegetarian

4. A mini pot of soup = whole day

5. Anti carbohydrates and protein only fruits and veggies are allow, eat as much as you want until u feel full

6. Exercise twice a day, once in the day and once in the night, for each session exercise for 30 minute 

7. Continue to follow diet plan & exercise twice a day for the first 1½ weeks. Measure before and after weight * please I wan to lose at least 3 kg .

8. Purchase a fat burning cream use it during exercise on tummy.

9. Meanwhile no matter how tired u feel everyday, remember to use body lotion before sleep, it helps your skin to look prettier day by day.

10. Apply facial mask x 4 times a week

11. Green tea x 1 per day

12. Drink at least 10 cups of water per day

13. Constantly remind yourself how pathetic ur life is going to be like if you continue to be fat like now , or worse even u grow even fatter

14. Be active keeps yourself busy . . . .

15. Sleep early

Haha , yea these are all the rules that I have set for myself . Right now I'm 59. 5 kg 168 cm , hopefully after some hard work I would be able to see some visible result . so see ya ! Let move it move it . 

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